Our Comodity

Coal with various specifications


We have coal with various specifications following standards ranging from Anthracite, ICI 1, ICI 2, ICI 3, ICI 4, and ICI 5.

PT. Unico Global Capital has 12 coal mining sites in the Kalimantan region with MODI ID 1920003002023537 and IUP OPK 12102200943890003, with the following locations:

East Kalimantan

Tenggarong & Samarinda

South Kalimantan


Central Kalimantan


Risk Management

Our Company is aware of the importance of risk management in every aspect of the business.

Our Company has applied the risk management system which considers ISO 31000, ISO 55001 and COSO-ERM on Risk Management and Asset Management. This system is used for the management of risks that are strategic/business or operational, which affect the entire organization and have a negative impact on the business objectives of the Company.

Our Specification

For more complete information, please contact us directly.